My Body is Deserving
Hand-dyed fabric, bark, tree branch, hand-dyed paper, yarn, and viewer response. 2018

This year (2018), I have been on a quest to explore new levels of what my body means to me —the relationship between self-love, oppression against the body, transgenerational trauma and resilience, healing, and acts of grounding, shielding, and protecting the body have all been an emphasis. Stripping away, investigating, confronting layers, and recognizing the power of choice to shed, discard, revive, or hold on to.
A Body to Follow – the culminating exhibition of our 15th Annual Exercises for Emerging Artists Program – E15: FIBERS.
E15: A Body to Follow focuses on fiber and textile as medium, history, and a means of survival. Considering the concept of the ‘survival thread’, artists explore issues surrounding the body, security, identity, and connection to nature and family. These themes are introduced through new installation-based projects, varying in material, production, and sustainability.