"Love: Inward/Outward”
Mixed Media, 4 ft x 4 ft, 2015

I was inspired by the beautiful circular movement of a dancer's flowing skirt, the expression it holds, and the theme of love.
This piece began with research inside Rio Carnaval. It really gave me the behind the scenes look at the process of Carnaval for different communities; from the competitiveness and finance stress to the designing of floats, props, costumes, and coming up with a theme. The process is what intrigued me. My theme is love. Love has a story. It comes in different colors, purposes, magnitude, and impact. It's the relationship we have with our friends, family, artistry, significant other, complete strangers or something as simple as the nature that surrounds us. It's a lifelong journey of experiences, growth, and perspective; beginning inward with ourselves as the root.